Discover the path to your ideal life
Discover your unique gifts, find the work you love, and create change in your community.

Let Empowered Path be your partner on the journey to your ideal work
More than a career coach, I'll help you find your ideal job.
More than a business coach, I'll help you create your ideal work.
More than a workplace facilitator, I'll help you create an IDEAL workplace.
Hi, I'm Chantal
Do you dream of a new path where you can leverage your gifts, doing those things that you love to do, and are good at doing? Would you like to work alongside a team whose skills complement your own, and cover the areas that you don’t enjoy or aren’t good at?
I act as a Thought Partner for people who want to find their ideal work.
I can help you move from feeling stuck and having trouble finding a good job, to finding your ideal work for good wages, in an organization that shares your values and supports your career aspirations.

Find Your Ideal Job
Move from feeling stuck to finding your ideal job in a supportive organization that shares your values.
Create Your Ideal Job
With the right skills, knowledge and expertise, building a business is more feasible than you may think.
Create IDEAL Workplaces
Foster a more Inclusive Diverse Equitable Accessible Learning (IDEAL) culture in your workplace.
Explore Ideal Collaborations
A custom team of consultants can work alongside you on projects while you focus on your main goals.

Ken Sioui (he/him)

Jeanette Arsenault

Lee Ann Waterman

Katrina Osborne

Kris Dawson, CHRL

V. Ophelia Rigault

Take my FREE networking course
You’re more likely to find your next job from someone you know than by applying to online job platforms. But many job-seekers feel uncomfortable networking. This course teaches the networking skills you need to find your next ideal job.
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Chantal's Thoughts
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