Find Your Ideal Job

As your career thought partner, I can help you move from feeling stuck and having trouble finding a good job, to finding your ideal job for good wages, in an organization that shares your values and supports your career aspirations.

Leverage your gifts

Are you dreaming of a new job, one where you can leverage your gifts, while receiving support from a team whose skills complement your own, and cover the areas that you don’t enjoy doing or aren’t good at?

Are you seeking an ideal job, in a workplace whose values mirror yours?

Are you wondering how you’ll find your ideal job?

Your gifts are unique

We all have different skills, abilities, knowledge and expertise.  I call things that you love to do, and are good at, your gifts.

There are literally millions of jobs in Canada, jobs that appeal to a wide variety of people with different gifts.

I act as a Thought Partner for people who want to find their ideal job. Let's connect for a 30 minute virtual chat to figure out if we're a good fit to work together.

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I connected with Chantal on LinkedIn, after I relocated to Stirling in 2019. As a young professional, I was helpless with restart of my career in Hasting county. Start from resumes editing to introducing new connections and opportunities in Quinte area, she provided me so much help with resources and career advises in local area. She encouraged me to get involved in HR professional network and local community and much more. Every time I connected with Chantal, she always bring me the confident and help me to clear my mind.

Xinhui (Dottie) Dong

Recruitment Consultant Inc.
[Chantal has a] unique ability to recognize unconventional talent and apply it in creative and innovative ways! She is a very deep and insightful person and has proven to be a great mentor. Chantal is personally responsible for helping me identify opportunities to expand my business model and has significantly increased my professional network. She has directly made meaningful connections for me, generated many referrals leading to work, and has generously shared her contacts to help me grow.

Matt Richardson

Director of Intelligence and Investigations
Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative
Chantal Fraser has been a wonderful teacher, leader and friend. She is everything one could look for in a good mentor. She listens with an open mind and makes you feel important. I am grateful for the support and kindness she has shown to me on my professional journey.

Lydia Adunola

Certified Human Resources Professional
Author | Leader | Speaker
As a mentor, Chantal is my first point of contact when I am looking for career or professional development advisement. Her insight and guidance have given me the confidence to pursue my goals, and accomplish them with perseverance and determination.

Katrina Osborne

Labour Relations Officer
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board
Even though part of my background was as a career coach, it's really hard to coach yourself into your next career. So I reached out to Chantal to get some clarity around my approach to a possible job opportunity. She gave me some straight forward simple advice (and confidence) on what to do to ensure my needs were met. And, it worked! I landed exactly what I was after. Thanks Chantal for being my trusted coach and cheerleader all in one!

Kris Dawson, CHRL

Employee Support & Wellness Coordinator
City of Peterborough
Chantal has a tremendous skill in building community and connections. It was these skills that I called upon when I needed to make a career decision. Chantal took the time to have a conversation with me and shared her insight and expertise about how the role would complement and align with my business direction. Her guidance was instrumental in making the business decision. It is important to have a trusted expert support system around you when you are faced with making business decisions. Chantal is definitely one of those people you want on speed-dial.

V. Ophelia Rigault

Resilience, Equity, Grief and Mental Health Wellness Educator & Trainer

Are you a PARO client?

If you are a woman or non-binary person living in Ontario, you can access these services through the PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise for an incredibly low fee.

PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise