This post is to celebrate 10 years in business!
No one, especially solo-preneurs, can thrive on their own. Even when you run a consulting business out of your home, you depend on others to help you achieve your goals.
I’m grateful to the wonderful strategic partners who’ve helped me refine my offerings over the past decade, bringing me to the point where I could envision and create a brand-new website to showcase the services I offer.
I’m deliriously happy with the look and feel of my new website, and with the wordsmithing that Penny Olorenshaw did as she created each page to help current and potential clients learn how I can help them achieve their goals.
I literally cried tears of joy when Penny showed me the draft home page in May. The site looks amazing, it's easy to navigate and it’s totally accessible for screen readers!
The website includes several new features, like a mini showcase for my strategic partners: Indigenous Link, MentorCity, the PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise, Trenval and the National Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs Eco-system (NIWEE).
I am grateful to many people for helping me get to where I am today, to list a few directly involved with content that is on the new website:
JL Morgan for her superb photography
Anne Harvey and Christine Chomyn for volunteering to be models
Kate Pentney for allowing us to hold the photo shoot at the County Emporium
Dionne Baker for helping me solve the puzzle of who my ideal clients are
Jen Detlor for my fabulous logo, which I still love!
I’m incredibly grateful to Penny Olorenshaw from Build Marketing, for creating this beautiful website. I’ve been wanting to work with Penny ever since I attended a social media training session she delivered back shortly after I started this business. She took the time to get to know how my brain works, and created a back end to the website that makes it easy for me to navigate and update.
I’m also incredibly grateful to the fabulous people at the following organizations, who’ve shared what they know, to help me learn ways to thrive as solo-preneur: the Small Business Centre in Belleville, the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC), the WE-CAN Project at Queen’s University, and the PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise.
I’d also like to thank some of my most active business mentors, coaches and supporters (also known as Thought Partners): my husband and our offspring, my mom and dad, Guy Dancause (the Idea Connector Network), Lisa Sansom (HRPA), Dionne Baker (Shop Boss Secrets), Kerry Ramsay (Power Your Platform), Renée Gendron (PARO) and Petra Fisher (LinkedIn maven).
Last but definitely not least, I’m grateful to everyone and every organization that has collaborated with me to help them achieve their goals. I’m honoured that you chose to invest your time and money to work with me!

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