Stories about gratitude, and expressions of gratitude for people and organizations.

Gratitude and the Platinum Rule
Chantal introduces how leaders can embrace the Platinum Rule to express their gratitude to their team.
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The Privilege of Generational Wealth
Chantal writes about her skin cancer journey and the privileges granted by modest generational wealth.
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The Power of Gratitude
Chantal shares tips about expressing gratitude on LinkedIn.
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Embracing Equity
Chantal shares an example of embracing equity and random acts of kindness during IWD 2023.
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December Reflections and Gratitude
This blog posts covers a few reflections about learning and gratitude for the year 2022.
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National Indigenous Veterans Day
This post is to celebrate National Indigenous Veterans Day and touches lightly on Chantal's military to veteran experience.
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Celebrating 10 years!
This blog shares gratitude for the many people helping me thrive as a solo-preneur.
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Farewell 2021!
This post is to share my Gratitude for many of the strategic partners and colleagues that I collaborated with in 2021. I’m looking forward to working with you all again in the future!
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Time flies when you’re having fun!
Earlier this week it occurred to me that I hadn’t published a blog lately. I wondered if I was suffering from writer’s block, or if it was something else. Then I set aside the thought, because I had a full week.
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A glimpse into Physical Fitness - A.T.H.E.N.A.
In early June 2021, I joined the BFLF Women Veterans Program A.T.H.E.N.A. funded by the Quebec Veterans Foundation. Completing the participants’ survey today made me think I should give you an update on my progress to date.
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IDEA an Effective Leadership Strategy
When I served in the military, shortly after I arrived at a new posting, I met one on one with all my direct reports and invested the time to learn what their career goals were. When new people joined my team, I would hold a meeting to welcome and learn about them too.
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Rebranding, a New Adventure!
Just as I believe that everyone has gifts to share with the world, things that they excel at doing, and can do better than most people, I know that there are things that I’m not good at doing. I’ve learned that the best way to compensate for that, is to partner with people who have the skill sets I lack.
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Time Spent in Recce is Seldom Wasted
“Recce” is a military term, short for reconnaissance, and basically means exploring the paths you might take without committing too much energy or investing a lot of money and other resources to help you make an educated guess on how you may choose to achieve your goals.
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Decluttering: a Continuing Challenge!
I come from a long line of pack rats, we’re not quite hoarders, we just tend to keep everything that may prove to be useful, someday! I generally view challenges as opportunities. I was going to call this blog “Decluttering: Challenge or Opportunity?” except that I couldn’t quite wrap my head about what opportunities this process is bringing my way.
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Learning opportunities are all around us!
The last week in January 2021, about 1700 people attended the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA) Annual Conference. I’m honoured to share that I was one of the 73 speakers featured during the conference.
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Gratitude, the Gift That Keeps on Giving
As I was wondering what to write about this week, several topics came to mind. To make sure that I hadn’t already written about them, I decided to scroll back through my blogs this year and came away with the idea of writing about gratitude – again!
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Choose Joy, until you choose to move on
We’re living through a time full of choices, ranging from radical to small. You may be familiar with the motivational phrases “Attitudes are contagious! Is yours worth catching?”
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Learning From Failure
As many of you who’ve been following me on social media know, I ran to become the President of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) this year.
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Creating a sense of Community online
I love learning! Every week, sometimes every day, I have the opportunity to learn something new. I’m grateful for every new thing I learn, whether it’s something as simple as how to create polls in my offspring’s high school online communication platform (it’s ridiculously easy) or as complex as learning how to write a relatable, meaningful and marketable book.
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Invisible Disabilities & Accessibility
I’ve worn glasses for more than 40 years. I am visually impaired to the point that without my glasses, I could not legally drive a vehicle. The first thing I do on waking is put on my glasses. I consider myself to be healthy, and am grateful that my body is fit enough to allow me to do pretty much anything I want to. Many of the people I know wear glasses, they’ve become so normalized that most of us don’t think of people wearing glasses as disabled.
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Gratitude and the Need for a New Normal
I’d like to start by acknowledging that I am writing this blog from traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory. I am grateful to be able to live, work, learn and play on these lands. I’m grateful to share these lands with Indigenous peoples who still live on these lands today, Wednesday July 1, 2020.
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“Gratitude plants the seed for abundance.”
I’m an avid reader, I have been for as long as I can remember. My family, friends and many of my colleagues know this to be true. I can work a full week, and read 3 or 4 novels when recharging between tasks. Unless the book I’m reading is teaching me something new.
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Respecting "I can't"
This morning, after listening to the bird song coming in the open kitchen windows, and writing my list of things I want to accomplish this weekend and next week, I thought to myself “I can’t write a blog post for this week.”
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Gratitude: Noticing and Appreciating the Little Things in Life
Are you finding dealing with our “new normal” difficult? Do you have a hard time being motivated to “be productive?” Are you frustrated because others seem to be having an easier time than you?
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Take my FREE networking course
You’re more likely to find your next job from someone you know than by applying to online job platforms. But many job-seekers feel uncomfortable networking. This course teaches the networking skills you need to find your next ideal job.
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