This post is to share my Gratitude for many of the strategic partners and colleagues that I collaborated with in 2021. I’m looking forward to working with you all again in the future!
If you’re interested in upping your game when it comes to Inclusion Diversity Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) especially if you’re interested in connecting with Indigenous peoples across the lands we call Canada, with job opportunities, bursaries, or surveys, then consider partnering with Indigenous Link – they’ve been successfully connecting with Indigenous communities and organizations since 1999.
If you’re interested in setting up a Mentoring program powered by Canadian software, consider partnering with MentorCity. The software platform was created in 2011 and is incredibly easy to use as a Mentee, Mentor, and/or Administrator for your organization. Added bonus, the MentorCity servers are in Canada and the platform is available in English and/or French.
If you’re a First Nations, Inuit, or Metis woman or non-binary person living and/or working in Canada, and you’re interested in becoming an entrepreneur, or you’re looking to up your game when it comes to running your business, consider the programs offered by NWAC.
If you’re a woman or non-binary person living and/or working in Ontario, and you’re interested in becoming an entrepreneur, or you’re looking to up your game when it comes to running your business, then consider becoming a PARO member. PARO is a not-for-profit organization that’s been helping people find meaningful employment, start and grow businesses for 27 years (and counting). They offer a number of programs including individual meetings with a Business Growth Advisor (like me); weekly Wednesday webinars, and several business camps (BizCamps).
If you’re a woman or non-binary person living and/or working in the Greater Kingston Ontario area, and interested in learning more about running a business, you may also be interested in the WE-CAN Project at Queen’s University. They offer a number of coaching programs and webinars. I’m honoured to be presenting a webinar with WE-CAN on January 20, 2022.
I’m grateful to Lisa Isaac, from Lisa Isaac HR Professional Services, Carrie Calder, from Nakanagis Consulting Inc, and Elizabeth Nicholas for being part of the “Dream Team” on Empowered Path Inc.’s biggest project to date. I’m also grateful to Brad Labadie and the CFWD team for choosing our bid for their project.
There are so many more to list: Girls Inc. Limestone and District, Build Marketing, The National Research Council of Canada, Assist in Time, The Computer Store, Signable Vi5ion, CCS Inc., Thinkific, Zoom, and the list goes on.
I’m also grateful to my family and friends for supporting me as I leaned into my business and expanded both my offerings and partnerships. You know who you are!
Lastly, but definitely not least, I’m grateful that my loved ones and I remain relatively healthy and well, in spite of the challenges that 2021 placed in our paths.
Wishing health, joy, peace and abundance for you and all your loved ones as we move into 2022.

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