Empowered Path Inc. Services

Published on
April 8, 2022
Time to read: 
The four categories of services provided by Empowered Path Inc. are presented in a quadrant model, with Teams and Individuals starting from the bottom left corner moving up the page vertically, and Thought Partner Services starting from the bottom left corner and moving horizontally to the right. The Four categories are numbered and start in the top left hand quadrant with 1. Find your Ideal Job. 2. Create your ideal Job. In the bottom half of the grid are 3. Create IDEAL Workplaces and 4. Ideal Collaborations
Image of Empowered Path Inc. Services created using Canva. (Edited May 25, 2022)

I have a confession to make, my website doesn’t clearly define the services I offer through Empowered Path Inc.

I’m consciously striving to provide clarity this year!

I’ve narrowed down my offerings to four categories, which showcase my strengths as a Thought Partner. All of services that I offer share the common theme of helping people find or create ideal jobs.

Find your ideal job

This includes individual coaching, a series of on-demand online courses that you can follow at your own pace, and a group virtual program (run once a year). This is for people who already have a career, and some solid skills and knowledge. People who are ready to explore a change in careers, but not sure where to start. Although I can and do occasionally provide individual coaching to help people prepare their resumes, cover letters, and get ready for job interviews, this service goes far beyond that. I focus on helping people figure out what their gifts are, what kinds of workplaces fit their needs, and how to identify and get their ideal jobs.

Create your ideal job

This includes individual coaching to help people learn how to start, run and grow their own business. In effect, creating your ideal job. Most of the coaching that I do in this category is through the PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise. They pay me to act as a Business Growth Advisor to women across Ontario. Most of my PARO clients are women in Eastern Ontario. I also run webinars related to this topic. If there is demand I may develop online courses to help people create their ideal jobs.

Create IDEAL workplaces

This includes helping employers learn how to create Inclusive Diverse Equitable Accessible Learning (IDEAL) workplaces by offering consulting services and webinars, and by assisting organizations to access other trainers specializing in the topics of Inclusion Equity and Accessibility. I believe that workplaces who invest the time and effort can create IDEAL workplaces. My top strategic partner for this service is Indigenous Link, a 100% Indigenous owned company that helps employers connect to Indigenous Communities and Peoples across the lands we call Canada. 

Ideal Collaborations

This includes research projects that are directly related to those providing services that help people find their ideal jobs. For example, in 2021, I brought together and led a Bespoke team for the Centre for Workforce Development (CFWD) to research virtual job fair platforms. Our team researched more than 30 platforms, and provided a report recommending the top contenders. The CFWD implemented a program using our top recommended platform and are now running virtual job fairs across Eastern Ontario. (Edited May 25, 2022)

Sharing my thoughts about the services I offer helps me refine the content for my new webpage, and helps me clarify what stories I can share to help my ideal clients find and connect with me.

I’d love your feedback on this list of services!

Testimonials from people I’ve helped find or create ideal jobs and workplaces are always welcome.

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