Tips, tactics, strategies and resources for job seekers.

Stepping into Change
Chantal shares a story of focusing on healing as a metaphor for taking steps to pursue your preferred work.
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Job Search Tips #6
Chantal's thoughts on how much of your personality to share while seeking a job.
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Gifts versus Strengths
Chantal explains the difference between Gifts and Strengths, and how that relates to finding your ideal job.
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How to Ask for Help
Chantal shares a template that entrepreneurs and job seekers may use to ask for help.
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Navigating your Career Route Map, Group Coaching Program
Chantal shares information about the hybrid group coaching program created for intermediate job seekers.
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Finding my First Ideal Job
Chantal shares the story behind finding her first ideal job, and the underlying lesson of how to discover yours.
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Job Search Tips #5
Chantal shares tips to help Job Seekers find and connect to Friendly Forces while discovering their ideal jobs.
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Just Like Riding a Bike
Chantal uses the metaphor of riding a bike to talk about finding your ideal job.
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Finding the Right Employer
This blog answers a question that Isis Goldstein asked me recently on LinkedIn "Are you also noticing the Big Shift since the pandemic? Are you helping a lot of people relocate themselves in terms of workplace?"
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Navigating your Career Route Map courses are now Live!
This post announces a series of courses that can help you explore and discover your unique path to your ideal career.
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Resilient like Dandelions
A blog using dandelions and how people interact with them as an analogy for finding your ideal job.
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Empowered Path Inc. Services
Sharing my thoughts about the services I offer helps me refine the content for my new webpage, and helps me clarify what stories I can share to help my ideal clients find and connect with me.
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Free Business Mentoring
To me mentoring is when people act as trusted thought partners, helping each other out and celebrating each others' success.
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Navigating your Career Route Map
In 2021, as I prepared to launch my first online courses, “Networking: Identifying and Connecting with Friendly Forces” and “Navigating your Career Route Map: Designing Courses of Action to Help You Achieve Your Definition of Success” I decided to invest in help from professionals whose strengths complement mine.
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Job Search Tips #4 Practice Interviews
“Train hard, fight easy” is an expression that military members across Canada, and perhaps even further abroad are familiar with.
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Time flies when you’re having fun!
Earlier this week it occurred to me that I hadn’t published a blog lately. I wondered if I was suffering from writer’s block, or if it was something else. Then I set aside the thought, because I had a full week.
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Job Search Tips #3 “So What?” Stories
This blog shares why “So what?” stories are so important in your resume and cover letter.
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Ask for what you want, you might just get it!
Do you feel frustrated with your career, like things aren’t going the way you expected or hoped?
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Navigating your Career Route Map
I’m thrilled to share that the introductory offering of the Navigating your Career Route Map: Designing Courses of Action to Help You Achieve Your Definition of Success program is now available online!
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Time Spent in Recce is Seldom Wasted
“Recce” is a military term, short for reconnaissance, and basically means exploring the paths you might take without committing too much energy or investing a lot of money and other resources to help you make an educated guess on how you may choose to achieve your goals.
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Job Search Tips #2 Informational Interviews
One of the biggest challenges when considering a career in an industry that is new to you, is finding out what it’s really like to work in that environment. This is just as true for veterans looking for a second career as it is for new grads looking for their first big job.
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Be True to Yourself
Honesty is something we owe ourselves and the others in our lives. Honesty requires reflection, and facing uncomfortable truths. To me living honestly means that the person I show the world is the person I am. It’s about being genuine and authentic, being true to myself.
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Growing your network online
Many people imagine that the only way to grow your network is to go to events and exchange business cards. While this might have been true in the past, technology now offers dozens of ways to meet and connect with people from literally around the world.
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Fitting the Pieces Together
This blog talks about how creating a career or business can be a bit like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together.
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Job Search Tips #1
In my last blog I asked if you had any questions you would like me to answer in this format. That same day, I received a Job Search question from one of my mentees. This blog expands on my answer.
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A New Goal for this Blog
Setting goals is a good thing, even though we sometimes don’t meet our goals. In March 2020, I set a goal of publishing a blog every week.
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Choose Joy, until you choose to move on
We’re living through a time full of choices, ranging from radical to small. You may be familiar with the motivational phrases “Attitudes are contagious! Is yours worth catching?”
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What exactly is a Thought Partner?
First a confession. For 8 years people have been trying to get me to join Instagram. I’ve resisted, because I think in words, and not in pictures. Everyone from consultants teaching social media sessions to business coaches, mentors and friends, have urged me to “try it.” I kept thinking that Instagram was all about images, and, it is largely comprised of photos and videos.
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Ask for what you want, you just might get it!
Did you know that people can’t read your mind? That your boss can’t reliably guess that you want a lateral transfer? That your clients won’t guess you’d like more money? That your dream career might be a question away?
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Take my FREE networking course
You’re more likely to find your next job from someone you know than by applying to online job platforms. But many job-seekers feel uncomfortable networking. This course teaches the networking skills you need to find your next ideal job.
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