Chantal's Thoughts
This blog shares my thoughts on topics like Networking, Job Searches, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Inclusion, and Gratitude. The collection is even searchable!
In March 2020, I started writing this series after a week of social distancing, and realizing that a lot of my comments on social media focus on the future.
Over time what I write about has evolved, to sharing content that job seekers, aspiring entrepreneurs, and folks striving to create more inclusive workplaces, may find useful.
If you enjoy learning by reading, this may be the blog you've been seeking!
(These blogs are searchable, click on the button under the latest blog)

Take my FREE networking course
You’re more likely to find your next job from someone you know than by applying to online job platforms. But many job-seekers feel uncomfortable networking. This course teaches the networking skills you need to find your next ideal job.
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